Thursday, March 14, 2013

Postponing Fanfictions... :'(

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I haven't even played W101 in, like, forever. But that doesn't mean I've quit. I'm just here to give you guys an update...

First of all, there's the topic of that little W101 fanfiction I was starting. I'm not quitting on it, don't worry-- but I'm sad to say that I haven't even finished the first chapter yet and I think that I'm going to have to postpone writing it until after April. Why April? Well, that brings me to my second topic, Camp NaNoWriMo. If anyone else is doing it, I'd love to hear from you-- the more writing buddies the better, write?? (Get it? "Write" instead of "right?" No? Ok. XD) Buuuut I'm not going to ramble on about that on this blog-- this blog is a Wizard 101 blog. Check out my other blog if you're looking to read about other random things I've been doing.
Either way, I'm not going to be able to start my W101 story for a while. Sorry.

Signing off,
~Sydney J.

P.S. I'll post again soon with more info on that story, because odds are I'll end up starting it anyways. I often end up writing random things, even if there's some other huge thing I'm supposed to be working on...

See ya! :)